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Trust board

Trust members act as the custodians of the constitution.


The Learning Community Trust has members and trustees which make up the trust board.

The Learning Community Trust has trustees, which make up the trust board, and also Members. 

Trustees, which make up the trust board, are legally accountable for all statutory functions and performance of all the academies within the trust.  Due to its legal form, trustees of the Learning Community Trust are also company directors. 

As a collective, and supported by the Learning Community Trust’s Head of Governance and Corporate Support, trustees are responsible for ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance by fulfilling the core functions of:

  • Strategic leadership of the trust, by defining its vision, fostering culture and setting its strategy
  • Accountability and assurance, through robust oversight of the trust’s operations and performance
  • Strategic engagement, through oversight of relationships with the trust’s stakeholders including parents/carers and local communities


Find more who our trustees are – click here


To fulfil its core functions. the board has delegated powers and appointed trustees to the following committees:

  • Audit & Risk Committee
  • Standards Committee
  • Resources Committee


The membership and role/remit is approved annually by the board.  


The delegated authority approved by the trust board is set out in the Learning Community Trust’s Scheme of Delegation, which can be found here.


Members are similar to a company’s shareholders, in that they sit above the board of trustees and have a very ‘eyes on, hands off’ role.  They act as the guardians of governance of the trust, ensuring its charitable objective is fulfilled. 

Members have a number of powers, which include amending/updating the articles of association, appointing trustees, appointing the external auditors and receiving the annual report, accounts and other information.

We are always keen to hear from people who are interested in becoming involved in governance at the Learning Community Trust.  You can find out more about this by visiting our ‘Getting into Governance’ page.

Contact the trust board

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